Kids outside

We often surprise people at their appointment with our recommendations for eye health or future vision changes.  Now that school has started again, we see more students than other times of the year, and a key message now for younger eyes, is that time outdoors, is protective for developing myopia/short sightedness. 
The evidence shows that 2 hours a day outside is the time for young eyes to be less likely to become short-sighted.  At primary school, we find that when we ask about time outside, the kids work out for themselves that with lunch, playtimes, and a bit of sport, they are mostly having the 2hours.  And often parents add comments like "we were going to start scootering to school, instead of driving".

The teenagers are much less likely to have the outdoors time, and more likely to be hibernating inside - both during their school day and outside school time.  I know some of our teenagers think we harp on about time outside for their best vision, but it's such an "easy" treatment! 

Kevin OConnor