Maybe contact lenses sometimes?

Often we see people who used to wear contacts, but have ended up back in their glasses.
Life is busy, kids, work and just one thing less in their busy lives. When we ask them if sometimes it would be good to be able to wear contacts, they are often still unsure if they might.  Recently we have had quite a few people excited to leave their appointment with some free trial daily disposable contact lenses.

And now with the added complication of masks and glasses fogging, it’s re-igniting some previous lens wearers motivation.

The "dailies" are a great choice, just open a new packet on the days that it's easier not to wear your glasses.  Same reasons that teenagers often start out with contacts - for sports and going out.  No reason that the over 30s don't feel the same - getting out on a bike or swimming in the sea, and of course, all glammed up, it's great to have the choice of contacts again.

Kevin OConnor