Clear lenses that go dark!

Glasses wearers have a few choices when it comes to reducing glare and UV protection, and one of these is a photochromic lens.  The technology continually improves, giving us a lens that is virtually clear indoors and at night, but darkens to become sunglass like when outdoors.

They are commonly called Transitions, which is a brand name of the most well known photochromic lens. We have a few choices of colours – the standard is grey, but there are many other options, popularly brown or a G15 /green tint which some people prefer, or they just match the frame choice! 

The lenses are activated by light and UV, and tint darkest in cooler temperatures – amazing if you are up the mountain. When you understand the tint change, then it explains why the lens isn’t our first choice for driving sunglasses, as the tint doesn’t fully activate behind the windscreen. The R&D have come up with a Transitions for driving too, although it doesn’t go as clear in low light as the regular Transitions, it can be a great choice.  Another option is a nifty sun-clip to use in the car when you need the extra tint over the regular photochromic option.

Also interesting to know, is that the clearest and fastest version of photochromic lenses is with an anti-reflective coating on the lens surface – we definitely recommend this for photochromic lenses.  And the other bonus is the lens also reduces the blue light that transmits through the lens – perfect if you use screens – and most of us do!

If you rely on your glasses, we all need a second pair, and often having a clear pair and a photochromic set of eyewear, gives you even more versatility! 

Leith O'Connor